VUE | Spring 2019

The Digest | New Jersey Magazine

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So what does any of that have to do with getting better hair and skin? ese slow-acting herbs will put your body into a balanced state, one that's ideal for improving skin elasticity, collagen production and hy- dration. Stress, as many of us know, can wreak havoc on our mind and bodies leading to ailments such as acne, dark circles, redness or wrinkles. Our adrenal glands are what release said stress hormones, and adaptogens work to directly affect how our adrenal glands process stressors we come into contact with. If you've ever had a slew of untimely breakouts, it's most likely because stress has put a spike in your cortisol levels which sends your oil glands into over- drive resulting in clogged pores and blemishes. If you find that your hair or skin is on the dry side, it could be because your body isn't focusing on retaining enough water—because of, again, bouts of stress. Adaptogens do not, however, treat specific conditions. An adaptogenic supplement treats the body as a whole and doesn't target any sort of ailment, deficiency or ex- act concern. As a jumping off point as to what adapto- gens might be right for you, ingredients such as maca or ginseng can enhance mental clarity or stamina, tur- meric acts as an anti-inflammatory, astragalus is known for boosting immunity and reishi or ashwagandha can calm you down. Although a viral sensation, results from incorporat- ing adaptogens into your daily life won't be noticeable overnight. ey're also not to be used in lieu of practic- ing a healthy lifestyle such as eating right, exercising or getting adequate sleep. But what adaptogens can do, just by mixing a teaspoon or two into your morning shake, is help us to combat the daily stressors we come into contact with that are, oentimes, out of our control. What we stand to gain in return is a balanced sense of self that starts to build from the inside, and is reflected on the outside. 1 7 U N I O N P L A C E , S U M M I T, N J 0 7 9 0 1 ( 9 0 8 ) 2 7 3 . 9 6 5 8 • W W W. Z O K U S A L O N . C O M C O L O R C U T S K I N

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