VUE | Summer 2022

The Digest | New Jersey Magazine

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5 TIPS TO STAY FIT THIS SUMMER POWERED BY HYDRATE, HYDRATE, HYDRATE! It is one of those things you have to be on top of. If you can gamify it like pairing an activity you already do with hydration, it makes hydration more manageable. If you're having coffee, drink water. If you're going out for a run, have water. If you're eating a meal, have water. I emphasize this to my clients in order to help them create better habits and achieve the goals they want. SET GOALS THAT ARE ACHIEVABLE AND FLEXIBLE FOR YOU Most people do not have a plan on how to get to their goals and think that doing a certain amount of exercise over an extended period will help achieve them. As a result, they become overwhelmed by their fitness routines and are discouraged from working out, or sandwich their goals into a specific timeframe. Your goals need to be written down and established in terms of how you are going to get there. HAVE A FITNESS PLAN THAT ACCOUNTS FOR THE DISRUPTIONS FROM YOUR DAILY ROUTINE When planning an a workout schedule for the summer, most people do not account for possible setbacks or distractions. Because of this, they become reactive to their daily routine, social schedules, and kids' activities which may set back their progress. Planning a workout schedule that can accommodate for those distractions would not only create more efficient workout routines, it makes the individual feel less pressured and more motivated to achieve their fitness goals, knowing they don't have to choose between their workout plan or other summer activities. CULTIVATING MORE DISCIPLINE I think a good mental exercise that people should engage in is treating each day like it is a test day for you. If you can be consistent in working out, showing up, prepping for meals, or going for a run, treat it like it is the ultimate test and then try to cultivate it as a system of habit. Doing this exercise will shift your mental perspective about exercising on a consistent schedule. CHANGE IN ENVIRONMENT If you aren't part of a gym, going to one can be highly beneficial. A change of environment can be better than working out from home because there are so many distractions, so you're not as efficient or intense as you can be. If you do go to a gym, getting a work out partner or trainer can catapult you into a system of accountability and motivation. 104 GRAND AVE, SECOND FLOOR | ENGLEWOOD, NJ 07631 VUENJ.COM 51 VUENJ.COM 51

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