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From start to finish, Arta- ic's designers work with their customers hand in hand to achieve results that both par- ties are proud of. All clients have to do is provide some inspiration- whether a word, idea, logo, or picture– and Artaic's artists will give them renderings that they can si through and provide feedback. Aerward, the clients will be sent free custom sample de- signs for project approval. Artaic will then proceed with the robotic manufacturing fabrication system, with lead times between four to eigh- teen weeks and with more precision and speed than oth- er systems out there. Artaic understands that com- plete customizability provides complete freedom and cre- ativity, but this can also come with not knowing where to start. For those needing that extra helping hand, a full-ser- vice design department comes to the rescue, with artists who create art for clients to review and decide if they wish to im- plement it in their own spaces. Artaic also publishes a collec- tion once a year so interested customers can thumb through and gain inspiration, although all projects will be fully cus- tom and manufactured for the specific client. Artaic started in the commer- cial space, working with inte- rior designers, architects, and art studios to outfit restau- rants, workspaces, and hotels with floor-to-ceiling intricate and inspired designs. But since 2017, they have seen an uptick in the residential market, and are excited to continue ventur- ing into this arena. VUE ON | DESIGN 76 VUENJ.COM

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