VUE: Wow, yea that's huge.
GaryVee: A journal is great, an alarm is great,
but for me, I practice it pretty continuously. I
would say what's basically happening in my
body daily, my routine, is even yesterday, when
I bring up all the things I was thinking about
that I'm concerned about, you know, I'm
processing and then aer about 25 minutes,
that's daunting–because it can be–thinking
through what you're "worried about." I have a
good analogy. I'm doing like a slow drip, I feel
like I'm slowly dripping gratitude 24/7. at's
my actual process. To me, it's not meditation, it's
not vacationing. I do focus on sleep very heavily.
I think that's one misnomer about me. People
see me as very hyper, go go go, crush, go attack,
right? But that's me talking about how you play
on the field, that's what I'm doing in my 12
hours, but I'm a 7-8 hours of sleep guy.
VUE: Shiing gears. You're the man when it
comes to social media. What are your thoughts
on the current state of social media? Where
do you see it heading in the next five years?