VUE | Holiday 2017

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There is an appreciable difference between a vacation and an adventure. A vacation is a period of time away from your daily responsibilities that is dedicated to pleasure and relaxation. An adventure is an unusual and exciting experience, meant to test your limits, push your boundaries and expand your mind. No one knows this distinction better than Karl Kannstadter, Director of Product at Quark Expeditions. Kannstadter and his colleagues at Quark are not in the vacation business — yes, they're a travel company—but they specialize in the planning and execution of polar adventures. Since their maiden voyage to the North Pole in 1991, Quark has led thousands of travelers hailing from over 50 different countries to the Arctic and Antarctic. Along the way, they've achieved some remarkable firsts that have made previously obscure regions of the North Pole accessible. Today, Quark is commonly considered the leader in polar travel. T H E W O R L D Voyaging into the North Pole with Quark Expeditions BY BRENNA HOLLAND PHOTOS BY ACACIA JOHNSON, ETIENNE TURMEL & HUGO PERRIN, FOKUS2 VUE ON TRAVEL V U E N J . C O M 103

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