VUE | Fall 2020

The Digest | New Jersey Magazine

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Page 93 of 179

BY BROCK STILLWATER DESIGNER: BETH INSABELLA, IIDA, ASID LOCATION: COLTS NECK PHOTOS: MIKE VAN TASSELL A FLOW OF ROCK N' ROLL With most people spending a great deal more time at home during the COVID crisis, home design, functionality and creature comforts are more important than ever. One homeowner in Colts Neck, New Jersey decided to enlist the services of Interior Designer Beth Insabella, Founder and Principal of INSABELLADESIGN to create a custom home perfectly suited for relaxation, enjoyment, and entertainment. Insabella, whose impressive resume includes a degree in Interior Design from Drexel University, 12 years as Director of Interiors for a large architectural firm, numerous awards for both high-end residential and commercial projects, as well as Fortune 500 clients, began with essentially a blank canvas and a clear mission. V U E N J . C O M 94

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